In 2018, JL DESIGN showcased the role Artificial Intelligence (AI) would be playing in the future in the big annual event at TSMC, the Technology Symposium; and in 2019, we were once again commissioned by TSMC to create the opening video for the symposium. The topic for this year’s one-minute video is “New Generation Bang”, which showcased how 5G and AI would create a new world in both the virtual and physical realms. The narrative centred around the exciting collaboration between TSMC and its clients, who inspire and enlighten one another to create endless opportunities and multiply the results delivered by 5G and AI like the big bang of the universe.
JL DESIGN was once again commissioned by TSMC to create the opening video for its Technology Symposium in 2019. Within only 60 seconds, we presented how TSMC collaborated with its clients to realise their ideals, conveying a tech-savvy feel to build TSMC as a trendsetter which always innovate in the technology sector.
Inspired by the world shaped by 5G and AI, we created a video demonstrating how TSMC worked with its clients and how they delivered more creative and advanced products through collaboration and exchanges of knowledge and technologies. The video begins with a beam symbolising 5G technology, which speeding ahead along with nerve-like AI beams. When the beams meet, numerous variations of existing technological products are born. The video alternatively shows spaces shaped by the GDS and data, portraying TSMC’s effort to help its clients bring their products to reality, including remotely-controlled mechanical arms, as well as drones and cars that form a new transportation network. The video conveys the idea that TSMC has been facilitating its clients to create a new era for the Internet of Things with silicon wafers it produced.
Just like the title of the video, “New Generation Bang”, we presented the innovative applications TSMC helped to bring about by tapping into a variety of technologies, portraying how it built better connection with its clients and how it embraced future opportunities and development in the opening video.
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