Taiwan Creative Content Fest

Created: 2020
Client: Taiwan Creative Content Agency



Taiwan Creative Content Fest (TCCF) was the first marketing channel the new national cultural brand TAICCA debuted. JL DESIGN was responsible for its branding identity and the visual identity of its event. We aimed to present the features of Taiwan’s content industry and create an iconic visual identity to stand out in the Asian market, making TCCF an international stage showcasing Taiwanese pop culture. Beginning with the idea of “The Making of Culture”, we illustrated how creative cultural content continues to grow in Taiwan. Turning the ten different fields that TAICCA specialises in into “modules” and created ten icons for them, we crafted an expandable brand system for TAICCA to effectively communicate with the general public.


TCCF was the first marketing channel the new national cultural brand TAICCA debuted to boast its achievement. TCCF’s brand and visual identity had to connect with its parent brand TAICCA while communicated the key features of Taiwan’s content industry – diverse, organic, flexible, liberal, and outgoing. At the same time, they have to stand out to attract the attention of the Asian market, global buyers, professionals of the cultural sector, and the general public.


JL proposed the idea of “The Making of Culture”, linking together the initials of the two words, “creative” and “content” to build a channel shaped by two intersecting Cs where creative cultural content could continue to be developed and nurtured. The image of the channel is also connected with the visual identity of the parent brand, TAICCA, forming a perfect branding identity for the most important annual event of TAICCA. By turning the 10 different fields TAICCA takes care of into “modules” and creating 10 icons for them, we crafted an expandable brand system for TAICCA to highlight the values and unique role of TCCF as a transdisciplinary platform that helps to grow the content industry.



近年來文化政策不斷討論如何將內容產業輸出國際,內容產製的根基來自社會中多元薈萃的豐富文化、自由開放不設限的創作環境,以人才和技術靈活創新等特質共同構成國家級文化品牌的關鍵,於是這一次JL DESIGN提出以「文化製造進行式」作為創意構想,刻畫創意內容產業催生的有機動態:文化彼此碰撞繁衍持續進化,打開各種作品的可能。 一場國家級新品牌盛會即將開始,屬於台灣內容產業的文化製造進行式! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 設計想像TCCF在Creative-Content之間形成了C與C交會的通道,包含創意文化不斷滾動生成、創作內容產製不斷運作,兩者之間交會豐沛洶湧的想像力通道,並連結母品牌TAICCA視覺,構成TAICCA旗下最重要的年度活動發表活動識別。

CIS Design


Icon Design

在視覺設計上,將TAICCA下轄十大領域產業拆分為各具該領域特色呼應的icon設計,​​​​​​​挖掘該文化內容領域特質轉化成為視覺意象,並結合TCCF Logo成為TCCF不同產業別icon。


【Human Touch - A Closer Future】RE:眾感未來 TCCF2020年度主題「眾感未來」中,以創意概念「文化製造進行式」加入年度活動概念「眾感未來」,期許首屆TCCF能夠更加凸顯母品牌TAICCA形象。並且將跨領域的不同產業打造為「模組」意象作為識別系統發展,成為主視覺概念「文化製造新模組」,模組彼此搭配組合,聚焦品牌價值與獨特意涵:TCCF跨領域、跨平台的優勢組建內容產業茁壯成長。 在視覺設計上,將TAICCA轄下十大領域產業拆分為各具該領域特色呼應的icon設計,並加入網格與化學元素表等視覺元件,轉譯成為一本工業製造說明書,不同模組宛如元素週期表下相互關聯卻又彼此各具特色,打造適切的組裝方式。配色則選用母品牌TAICCA的特殊橘紅與具有科技與未來調性的金屬銀灰色為主,期待為TCCF刻畫一幅屬於內容產業的經緯藍圖,建立國家新品牌的組裝說明書,See the Future Now.​​​​​​​

Logo Animation

從品牌概念「文化製造進行式」出發,以動態識別表現文化不斷製造的運作意象,十大領域不同的icon宛如創意原物料,被加入文化製造的生產通道之間持續運作成形。並且在動態細節中,加入了許多來自工業製程的意象取材,例如表達不同生產階段的機械訊號源、開模前的校準測量、尺規測距儀檢查等,詮釋TCCF在Creative-Content生成的通道下十大領域不同的文化製造概念。 ​​​​​​​

Poster Design

子海報設計以四大活動特色切入視覺表現,以微觀手法拉近鏡頭探究子活動不同內容,創造與主視覺海報宏觀意象截然不同的感受。交易媒合 Market 以重新解構不同元件呈現強調共組共榮的精神意涵;論壇Conference 則以雙邊畫面切分的方式,強調聽眾與講者、或者多位講者對談雙方之間的火花與激盪;展覽Exhibition 透過羅列物件的層序關係刻畫展覽活動擺放物件的邏輯樣態;而交流 Networking 我們以未來內容作為主體由內而外串連十大領域icon,建構平台網絡的互動場域面貌。

Application Design


The comprehensive dynamic designs_ and visual identity we crafted for TCCF are highly applicable in its annual event of 2020, “Human Touch - A Closer Future”, as well as other events and presences it delivered. The brand system successfully delivered the message of TAICCA in its first big event – TCCF – and it can also be applied to future annual assemblies.



Branding Identity


Graphic Design

TSMC 2019 Technology Symposium

