56th Golden Horse Awards

Created: 2019
Client: Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee


GHA56: Looking for the dark horse


When JL DESIGN created the graphics branding package for the 56th Golden Horse Awards (GHA) ceremony, it was a time of innovational approaches for the Chinese film industry - technologically, thematically and methodically. The idea “Looking for the dark horse” was to signify this time of change and the invitation to 23 emerging Asian directors to produce 23 nominee videos for the ceremony was about bringing in the new in terms of design, talent, content and visual. Exploring possibilities in the interpretation of “Looking for the dark horse”. Demonstrating the power in the new and the torch is passed from one generation to the next.



JL DESIGN being in-charge of the branding package invited 23 emerging Asian directors as collaborators to showcase the talents of the next generation. The award ceremony became a new kind of experience and appeared more relevant and symbolic than before.




Based on the concept “Finding the dark horse”, JL DESIGN invited 23 emerging Asian directors to produce 23 nominee videos, and veteran directors such as Ang Lee and Hou Hsiao-Hsien to be the voice-overs. Bringing together the many moving parts to realize the possibilities of a “dark horse” - how what is seemingly unknown can be full of potential. The next generation showed the possibilities of the Chinese-language film industry when technology, visual and storytelling all come together.


攜手23位新銳導演創作22支入圍影片,串連23位華語電影大師前輩影人獻聲, 世代傳承榮耀和夢想。




Photo Credit: Town Tongue Design Studio (Poster), GQ Taiwan (Let's Cafe)


A renewed energy and creativity were injected into the ceremony. In keeping the flame alive, the Golden Horse Awards presents a future of the Chinese-language film industry that is full of possibilities and showed off the potential of the next generation filmmakers that the audience could believed in; heightening awareness and gaining recognition.

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Branding Identity


Film & Motion Graphics

金馬56 年度廣告

57th Golden Horse Awards

A prestigious film awards in the Chinese language cinema.

A prestigious film awards in the Chinese language cinema.

57th Golden Horse Awards

A prestigious film awards in the Chinese language cinema.